Hsueh-Fu Nicholas Lu MD, MSc (呂學甫醫師) on My Medical Career: From Academia to Industry, An international Journey

Nicholas Lu was born in 1964 in Taichung City, Taiwan. He earned his MD and MS at China Medical University, Taiwan, and finished his Urology and Surgery residencies and fellowship training at the affiliated CMUH medical center, Taiwan. After training, Dr. Lu also spent 3 years as a research fellow and scholar at the Urology Department at UCSF in the 2000s.
With more than 15 years of working experience as an academic urologist, Dr. Lu pursued a career at the Center for Drug Evaluation (CDE), Taiwan, and took the position of Clinical Reviewer for IND and NDA. In 2008, Dr. Lu joined the pharmaceutical industry as a medical affairs expert. With extensive knowledge in drug and device regulatory process and experience in clinical trial, pipeline development, post-marketing study, and etc. Dr. Lu has been appointed several Global/Regional medical roles in Pfizer for the last 11 years, including Establishes Products Country Medical Lead (2009), Medical Consultant of Asia (ACT) Area Commercial Team (2010), Asia and China Regional Medical Director (2011), both Medical Director of Asia/China and Latin America (2012), and both Global Emerging Market OAB Medical Lead and Latin America Regional Medical Director (2013). Currently, Dr. Lu lives in Rhode Island (U.S.) where he is a Field Medical Director, Pfizer Oncology Business Unit North America.
呂學甫醫師(Dr. Nicholas Lu)於1964年出生於台灣台中市。他在台灣中國醫藥大學獲得醫學士和碩士學位,並在其附設醫院CMUH醫學中心完成了泌尿外科和外科住院醫師的專科訓練。呂醫師在2000年前往加州大學舊金山分校UCSF泌尿科、前後共計擔任了3年的訪問學者。 呂醫師擁有超過15年的學術泌尿科醫師工作經驗,並曾在台灣醫藥品查驗中心(CDE)擔任IND藥品臨床試驗和NDA新藥查驗登記的臨床審查醫師。於2008年加入醫藥產業,開始擔任醫學事務專家顧問。擁有豐富的藥物研發和查驗登記及監管流程知識,在臨床人體試驗、藥品早期研究開發、上市後研究等方面具備豐富的經驗。在過去的11年中呂醫師被任命為輝瑞公司的多個全球/區域醫學事務職位,包括成熟產品國家醫學主管(2009)、亞洲(ACT)地區商務團隊醫學顧問(2010)、亞洲和中國區域醫學總監(2011)、亞洲/中國和拉丁美洲醫療領域總監(2012)、以及全球新興市場OAB膀胱過動症醫療主管和拉丁美洲區域醫療領域主管(2013年)。呂醫師目前居住在美國羅得島州,是輝瑞北美腫瘤事業部北美地區醫學總監。