黃品維 博士 Pin-Wei Huang

Pin-Wei (黃品維) Huang is working on media development at Seagate Technology. He is responsible for physical modeling for magnetic recording system and other computer modeling techniques that can help pushing areal density for Hard Disk Drives. He is one of the earliest adopters and developers of NVIDIA CUDA programming in the field.
As a father, son, husband, brother, and Chia farmer for cryptocurrency, Pin-Wei spends most of his remaining time outside of work with his family and advocating Chia crypto technology. He likes to view anything important in the world as a form of energy. Time is a form of energy, health is a form of energy, relationship is a form of energy, happiness is a form of energy, and money, for sure, is a form of energy.
Pin-Wei holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree from EE, National Chiao Tung University, and a PhD degree from University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. All in Electrical and Electronics Engineering field.